(714) 586-6755 jeremy@hameyfinancial.com

Business Insurance Plans for Employers & Employees

Employer Insurance Plan
  • Group Benefits

    We can offer a full suite of employer-sponsored products for their employees, including Medical, Supplemental, Retirement, Property & Casualty (P/C) Insurance, Life Insurance, and Disability Insurance.

  • Unique Retirement Programs

    We offer Retirement Programs with NO COST and NO ADMINISTRATIVE WORK for the employer.  This program is our most popular product with employers.  Even when a 401k/IRA program is offered by the employer, it can still complement any existing program.

  • Supplemental Products

    AFLAC, Disability, Dental, Vision group programs are all available to businesses.  These programs can help employee retention and satisfaction while reducing employer tax totals.

  • Executive Retirement for Owners
    Unique and customized retirement programs for business owners and key employees.  There are no minimum contributions required and are tax-free withdrawn with no market risk during the accumulation period. Very popular with Doctors and Dentists and many other small business owners!